Marriage alliance drama with Mahanati Herione Keerthi Suresh

 This pig faced bastard claims that Famous Tamil heroine Keerthi Suresh has agreed the 42year old man by paying 50 crores as dowry. Even a maid will not be ready to marry a 42 year pig faced bald bastard to marry him, who does not have any income and survives by cheating and begging in the name of him parents. He can not even contact the Assistant,nay maid in Keerthi suresh house for marriage alliance.They will beat this bastard with slippers  and throw him out and hand over to police.

He even claimed that keerthi suresh is ready to stay with him without marriage in tirupati, as she loves him and his family, what a liar, what he thinks the most honourable and famous Film actress. He will not even get chance to talk to such a famous respectable actress.


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