You would have never came accross a charecterless son who begs by dramatasing that his mother is seriously ill and needs lakhs of rupees to do surgery. But reality is she is very healthy and having very huge body by eating free food of those whom they cheat and free food of temples and charitable organisations, those who survive by begging and cheating will be very healthy. On Feb 3 the charecterless bastard dramatised that his mother passed away and asked me 50 thousand rupees for performing last rituals to his mother. When I said I can not pay he asked me to get it from my friends and relatives. Again after 2days, called me and said he will be doing karma to his dead mother and needs some money, out of pity I transferred 5 thousand rupees, with which they enjoyed for few days and was happy that their drama has worked. Please go the screen shots of his whatsapp message as proof