New Blogs and mails created by Fraud stock market iyers to cheat people

This fraud bastards will never stop doing illegal activities in the name of fake formulas and stock market shemes. This beggars claim to have trusts all over the world and doing favour to the world. Beggars and cheat who survive by looting social service organisations and looting temple hundi's make fake blogs to cheat innocent people to lead a lavish and pleasureful life. Please beware of this criminals, We are enclosing herewith the latest blogs and emails they created to cheat the people.



Please inform the cyber crime police if you get any communication regarding fake schemes from this emails 


  1. Thank you for sharing such a nice post, now see our post about Cyber Security Information

  2. That's true. I am glad you are making people aware of these fake company's malicious intents.
    Upcoming IPO


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