This incident happend in Tajmahal hotel narayanguda, this two beggars were very hungry on that day, they brought camera, iron box and not working pressure cooker to hotel. They called me saying that they will gift me preciious articles, I was busy and avoided meeting them but called me continuously. I went to hotel and was shocked to see the items, upon asking said that they do not have money for sustenance and have not eaten from last one week and fell on my feet to and begged me to pay atleast 2000 rupees, they ordered food and had lunch costing around 1000 rupees and asked me to pay the bill and not only this they took thousand rupees cash for buying food items for house as his mother was hungry from one week, Like this they forcibly gave me articles, after reaching home when I opened camera it was old camera with roll and was not not at working and electric iron was damaged and when I plugged in I was electrocuted by that iron box and pressure cooker was full of insects....